The Crusader #325 - June 2018

Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia

Dear Crusaders and Friends,

          After revising my list of members and removing some children that are past the age of being members or who have asked to be released from membership, I find that there are 164 members. You will notice on the back of the magazine that only 40 members have turned in there treasures for March. I hope that April will be better, but my heart grows cold. The April treasures should have arrived a month ago and only 5 have arrived so far. I know that stamps are expensive and so I once again invite you to send in the treasure totals by email. You may need your parents help to do this. You can scan and email or simply type out the totals in the email like this:

Charts Returned:- 4

Morning Offerings:- 120

Masses:- 19

Sacramental Communions:- 19

Spiritual Communions:- 60

Sacrifices:- 134

Decades of the Rosary:- 452

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament:- 12

15 mins of Meditation - 4

Good Examples:- 78

The email is on the back of the magazine: [email protected] (Now it is [email protected])

Even an empty treasure chart is better than no treasure chart. It may show that you have done nothing, but at least you still remember it, at least you still have a little life left in you. If your treasure charts are empty, send them in as an act of sorrow to the neglected Heart of Jesus. As you mail it or email it, think in your mind and will in your heart to make up for your spiritual laziness in the month to come.

          The Sacred Heart of Jesus wants Eucharistic Crusaders whose hearts on fire with love like unto His. But often He finds hearts that are only a little warm. He even finds hearts that are cold. However, His biggest sorrow is when he can’t find a heart at all. Your treasure is like your heart. Does it remember Jesus? Does it work for Jesus? Does it love Jesus? At the end of each month you add up the totals of the treasure sheet and you see what your heart is like. And if it is so frozen that it contains nothing, do not hide it from Jesus. Give it to Him anyways; send in your treasure sheet anyways. Tell Him that you are sorry and beg Him to thaw out your heart; to warm up your heart; to set your heart on fire with His love.

Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine!

Yours in the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts,

Fr. Benjamin Campbell