Three New Subdeacons Ordained at Holy Cross Seminary; Minor orders and Tonsure

Source: Holy Cross Priory

On the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 22 August 2019, His Lordship Bishop Bernard Fellay conferred the Subdiaconate, Minor Orders and Tonsure on Seminarians at Holy Cross Seminary.

This year three seminarians, Rev Mr Daniel Yagan and Rev Mr Cyril Alolaya of The Philippines, and Rev Mr Joseph Manyeki of Kenya, were ordained to the subdiaconate, the first of the major orders. These subdeacons have now taken a vow of chastity and are commanded by the Church to recite the breviary each day. In anticipation of their ordination to the subdiaconate, these seminarians made their perpetual engagement to the Society of St Pius X on the previous day.

Bishop Fellay also ordained three seminarians to the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte: Pius Kim of South Korea, Mikhail Del Rosario of New Zealand, and Phillip Mujic of Australia. He also tonsured six seminarians: Longinus Kim, William Han and Benedict Kim of South Korea, Theophilus Ideba of Nigeria, Rafael Faustino of The Philippines, and James Chipperfield of Australia.

Bishop Fellay's Sermon can be found here.