A New Rosary Crusade for the Months of October

Source: District of Australia and New Zealand

Fr Daniel Themann, District Superior of Australia and New Zealand has called the faithful and friends of Tradition to pray the Rosary during October for several critical intentions.

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the apostolate of the SSPX in Australia, New Zealand and the island missions our priests visit, Fr Daniel Themann, the District Superior of Australia and New Zealand has extended a Rosary Crusade begun in Tynong, Victoria to the whole district. He invites all of Catholic faithful who attend SSPX chapels, as well as all friends and faithful Catholics to participate during the month of October.

This work began as a praiseworthy initiative by the faithful and priests in Tynong, but has been expanded to the district as a whole in view of the difficulties facing the apostolate in the district (which are most severe in Victoria, Tasmania, and Fiji) and due to upcoming elections which are of serious concern to the Catholic Church and referenda which threaten to undermine Catholic morals and so must be opposed with more than mere natural efforts.

During this crusade, we will pray the Rosary and implore our Blessed Mother :

  1. To protect our parishes;
  2. To open the doors of our churches and schools and to relax the restrictions on our apostolate;
  3. To obtain favourable results in the elections this year;
  4. To defeat the New Zealand referendum on euthanasia.


Rather than counting up a certain number of 5-decade Rosaries prayed, this crusade will consist in the praying of the Rosary continuously during the entire month— beginning from midnight on the morning of 1 October until 11:59 pm on the evening of 31 October.

To coordinate such a massive effort, a webpage has been created allowing the faithful to commit to one or more time slots of 15 minutes each sometime during the month. 

We invite you to visit this page to enlist in this crusade. We thank you for your generosity and charity in undertaking this effort.


To help you pray the rosary well during this month of October, there will be daily readings from St. Louis de Montfort's The Secret of the Rosary. These reading may be found on our YouTube Channel.