Diaconate and Priesthood in Our Lady Co-Redemptrix Seminary, Argentina

Source: District of Australia and New Zealand

A few days after the ceremony of the tonsure, minor orders and sub-diaconate, His Lordship, Bernard Fellay, proceeded to a new ordination ceremony, this time to the Diaconate and Priesthood, anticipating the usual date of the December Ember days, due to the difficulties that a new episcopal visit would entail.

On this happy occasion, the two 5th year seminarians who had received the Subdiaconate, received the Diaconate (1 Argentinean and 1 Paraguayan), and our three 6th year candidates were elevated to the sublime dignity of the Priesthood: 1 Argentinean, 1 Brazilian and 1 Guatemalan (the latter being the first priest from Guatemala in our Congregation).

They have already been appointed to their various posts:

Fr Marcelo CUERVO, Argentinean, appointed to the Priory of Buenos Aires;

Fr João Maria FERREIRA, a Brazilian, appointed to the Priory of São Paulo; and

Fr Jhonny VÁSQUEZ, a Guatemalan, appointed to the Priory of Guadalajara, Mexico.

Deo gratias et Mariae!

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